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Laura Wait

"I create compositions with scribblings and writings that may have been made over a period of years. My idea is to convey the feel of the shapes, with an intuitive connection. These are imagined ancient times...on other planets...or in modern urban tableaus...with elements of graffiti and signage. The marks are universal, somewhat random, and related to music, with layers of writing acting as layers of melody and rhythm."   - Laura Wait

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Hopscotch in the Garden," 2024, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches, $9,000

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Laura Wait, "Hopscotch in the Garden," 2024, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches, $9,000

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Maria Neptuni," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 52 x 48 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Maria Neptuni," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 52 x 48 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Graffiti Rom," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches, $8,000

Laura Wait, "Graffiti Rom," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches, $8,000

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Phases of the Moon," 2024, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Phases of the Moon," 2024, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Popping and Cracking like Faint Static," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Popping and Cracking like Faint Static," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Sound of Waterfall at a Distance," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Sound of Waterfall at a Distance," 2023, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 44 x 44 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery  -  Laura Wait, "Flaming Jardin," 2018, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 42 x 36 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Flaming Jardin," 2018, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 42 x 36 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Timberline I," 2022, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 30 x 30 inches - SOLD
Arden Gallery - Laura Wait, "Timberline II," 2022, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 30 x 30 inches - SOLD

click images to enlarge

Laura Wait, "Timberline I and II," 2022, acrylic and paper on Baltic Birch, 30 x 30 inches each - SOLD

Arden Gallery   -   Laura Wait, "Mare Insularum (Sea of Islands)," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Mare Insularum (Sea of Islands)," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery   -   Laura Wait, "Super Blue Wolf Moon," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Super Blue Wolf Moon," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery   -   Laura Wait, "Mare Undarum (Sea of Waves)," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 40 x 40 inches - SOLD

Laura Wait, "Mare Undarum (Sea of Waves)," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 40 x 40 inches - SOLD

Arden Gallery   -   Laura Wait, "Super Blue Wolf Moon," 2019, acrylic on Baltic Birch, 48 x 48 inches, $9,000

Laura Wait at Arden Gallery

sold works & installation shots

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Laura Wait Arden Gallery

Laura Wait lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She received a BA, cum laude, in Art History from Barnard College, New York, 1975.  

Laura lived for a year in Los Angeles in 1975-76, and studied lithography and drawing at Otis Art Institute. She went to London in 1976 to study printmaking at Croydon College of Art, and received a certificate in printmaking with merit for a one-year course in 1977, specializing in intaglio and bookbinding. She continued her studies in traditional bookbinding at Croydon, and received a Certificate with distinction for a three-year course in 1981.

Laura moved to Denver, Colorado in 1981, and started a bookbinding and conservation business, which she ran successfully until 2003. During that time she also worked on her own artist books and paintings, and gave many workshops in book arts. Her books are in collections worldwide, and have been published in a number of publications.

Laura now lives in Santa Fe. NM. She is married with one son, one dogs,  two cats, and grows lots of  organic vegetables. 

LAURA WAIT in Letter Arts Review, 2019, number 33:3 (click to enlarge)

Laura Wait from Arden Gallery in Letter Arts Review 2019
129 Newbury Street 
Boston, MA 02116, USA
main: 617-247-0610
mobile: 617-646-9186

Tuesday - Saturday: 11:00 - 6:00 
Sunday: 12:00 - 5:00
Monday by appointment
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